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StressLess Golf ™ Day Hartola
€230.00 / 7 h
Price includes 1 person.Extras:
  • hlö€100.00


Visit Happy / Peak Living Oy tarjagw@gmail.com+358 (0) 400 477076Company id:2810827-5Merchant terms

Golf season in Finland will start shortly. We have opened calender for booking from May. Please ask earlier and other possibilities by email, tarjagw@gmail.com.

You are warmly wecome to Finland.

StressLess Golf ™ Day at Finnish Countryside Hartola includes a green fee for a day, lunch and a coffee break and set of golf clubs. Our Guide will arrange everything all you need to do is show up. Picking you from Helsinki is also possible on extra request. Our guide can also play with you ( extra charge) and show you his relaxing beathing techniques and body streching and a relaxed attitude for golf. All for your holistic well-being. Enjoy your day.

Playing Golf can give you many wellness and health benefits. You are waking outside in a fresh air ( in Finland), can experience a beautiful and unique Finnish nature around you and enjoy of it.

Our StressLess Golf Host will arrange everything during your golf day which will help you to keep a stress away and enjoy of the day.

Ask for options also in India, Portugal and Cambodia.
